Pezothrips kellyanus

Common name: Kelly's citrus thrips


The adult in general is 1,25-1,5mm long, with dark brown body; fore wings are strap-like, brown but slightly pale at base. Nymphs are translucent to golden yellow, eyes reddish


Leaves: Distortion, silvering and speckling. Yellowing of young leaf tissue, reduction of photosynthetic activity

Fruits: Circular scars occur on the skins of developing fruits, especially between touching fruits. sprinkled with black spots of excreta, disfiguration of young fruit

Flowers: Distortion, silvering and speckling

Hosts: Citrus, ornamental plants etc

Kingdom Animalia
Class Insecta
Order Thysanoptera
Family Thripidae
Genus Pezothrips
Species kellyanus

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