
Common name: Iron(Fe) deficiency


It is very common deficiency in calcareous and waterlogged soils, where the iron is not in the right form and the soil is poorly ventilated. Sometimes iron deficiency causes fruit and yield losses. The use of phosphate fertilizers, deep plowing and irrigation with saline water also favor the appearance of iron deficiency. There are some varieties that are less susceptible to this deficiency. Iron based fertilizers in a right dosage is a must for the control of the deficiency. Although, farmers should control the other factors that affect the occurrence of iron deficiency, as much as possible.


Leaves: Younger upper leaves are infected first. They show a yellow-light yellow/white (late symptom) interveinal chlorosis, while the veins, mostly, remain green. Sometimes, when a serious iron deficiency exists, the leaf margins show necrosis. Eventually, the veins became chlorotic, too and the chlorosis proceed to the older leaves, which may lead to defoliation.

Stem: Stunted appearance and growth of young shoots

Fruits: Small and light colored fruits. Restricted fruit set

Hosts: citrus, apples, vineyard, tomato, potato, watermelon, cucumber, barley, etc.


Timmer, L. W.., Garnsey, S.M,., Graham, J.H. (Eds) 2000. Compendium of citrus diseases. Second Edition. American Phytopathological Society Press, St.Paul, MN, USA.

Panagopoulos, C. (2007). Fruit trees and vineyard diseases. 4th Edition.