Aphis spiraecola

Common name: Green citrus aphid


The adult is 1,2-2,2mm long, bright yellowish green to green, brown head; siphunculi brownish to black and elongate, with a basal constriction. Aphids create colonies due to the overlapping generations and the parthenogenetical reproduction


Leaves: Distortion of young leaves, secretion of honeydew, development of sooty moulds, transmission of viruses

Flowers: fall of flowers

Hosts: citrus, apple tree and other rosaceous fruit trees

Kingdom Animalia
Class Insecta
Order Hemiptera
Family Aphididae
Genus Aphis
Species spiraecola

Alford D. V. (2014). Pests of Fruit Crops. A Colour Handbook, CRC Press, 2nd Edition